Landmark Church
Our Response
With the heightened awareness and public concerns regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure you that we are carefully monitoring this situation at Landmark Church and are taking a proactive approach to ensure our environments are clean, safe and that your health and well-being is a top priority.
Here at Landmark, we are very intentional about providing clean and safe environments. We have already enhanced our cleaning procedures. All children’s classrooms and toys are disinfected already. We are also providing hand sanitizers in visible places throughout our building.
We encourage you to wash your hands frequently and to refrain from simple actions such as touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Also, if you or your children are ill, please stay home and watch our services online at the link below.
We hope to see you this weekend. Remember…always choose faith over fear!
Not coming to church? Join us online!
Your safety and concerns are important to us! If you decide not to come to church, we would love for you to experience church here online with the above links! The links offered are for our connect card, online giving, and live streaming for our 9:15am and 10:55am service!